Finances should not be an obstacle to your career aspirations!
Metro College is committed to ensuring everyone who wants post-secondary training has access to high quality, affordable financial aid options.
Metro College Financial Assistance Options:
- Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is the financial assistance that the Government of Ontario provides to its students for post-secondary education. The financial aid includes two components: grant and loan. It is the most popular and important financial aid in Ontario.
- Second Career Funding - Provides financial support for training individuals who have been laid-off from their job and want to update their skills to get employed in their current career or switch to a new career.
- Social Assistance Funding - Ontario Work provides the people who are on Social Assistance with financial assistance for a training that helps them find a job.
- Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG) - This funding will help employers to training their employees to be more competent and competitive in their jobs.
- WSIB Training Funding - Helps those who are receiving WSIB compensation to get training and return to the workforce.
- Ontario Disability Support Program - ODSP provides funding support to individuals who have been injured or otherwise unable to continue with their current employment due to a disability.
- Tuition Payment Plans - Metro College can help ease the impact of tuition costs by arranging instalment-payment plans for students if you are not eligible for any of the above financial aids.
Are you unsure about your financial ability to attend college?
Contact Metro College today, an Admissions Advisor would be glad to help you decide on the best training program to pursue to meet your career goals and discuss with you to find out the best financial assistance you may qualify.