Congratulations! You have landed your new job and are now ready to make a great impression at work.
There are several aspects to your professional reputation including your knowledge, skills, abilities, accountability, and overall attitude. Start your new job on the right foot and be vigilant of proper office etiquette.
Office Etiquette Rules Everyone Should Follow:
- Be Positive – Have a positive attitude and be happy to help others when needed. Avoid focusing on negative aspects of your job and complaining.
- Do not Join Gossip – Office gossip is toxic and can damage your professional reputation. Avoid engaging in office gossip and remove yourself from the situation.
- Be Responsible – Take responsibilities for your errors and ask for help if needed. Complete tasks that you are responsible for and ensure you are performing all of your job duties.
- Be a Team Player – Become the employee that others want to work with on a project! Perform your tasks and support others when asked.
- Dress Professionally – Know what is acceptable and what is not acceptable for office attire. As a general rule ‘dress for the job you want, not the job you have’ and appear professional at all work-related functions.
- Do not Take Personal Calls – Although you may need to take personal calls for specific reasons (eg-booking a dentist appointment) do not make a personal call to simply ‘catch up’ with friends while you are supposed to be working.