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Metro College provides extensive job search support service for students including resume workshops, and mock interviews. Here are some additional tips to get you started:
Before Your Interview
Before attending a job interview, make sure you research the company and job profile. There are different ways to do this: go to the company’s website; research blogs; or review relevant industry resources.
Practice your interview skills with a friend or family member, and have them ask you questions as if they were an interviewer. Or, sit in front of a mirror and pretend you are in an interview, present your education, skills and work experience, while monitoring your facial expressions and body language.
Review each skill listed on your resume and make sure that you are able to provide an example of each skill, and its application in the real-world. Additionally, depending on your industry, you may need to provide proof of your qualifications, or a portfolio.
Bring Your Own Resources
Use your own resources during the interview. It would be improper to ask the employer for access to their resources. For example, if you have your portfolio stored on a USB key, do not ask the interviewer for access to their computer, bring your own.
Dress Code
Dressing properly is extremely important. This is your opportunity to make a lasting “first impression.”
The job interview is an appropriate time to ask questions about the dress code. Each employer is different – each with different expectations.
Introducing Yourself to the Employer
When walking into the interview room, be confident! Maintain direct eye contact with the interviewer and be sure to offer them a firm handshake. A firm handshake usually tells an employer how confident you are about your skills and abilities.
Interview Seating
Make sure you are seated properly for the interview, back straight. Men should be seated with both legs close together. Women seated with legs slightly crossed at the ankle. Do not fidget with your hands, pens, or anything else. Your body language tells the interviewer a lot about you!
How to Behave
Listen to the employer. Only answer the questions that are asked. Do your research beforehand, know about the mission and values of the business, and share how you will fit in with the business culture. Business owners want employees who will enjoy working for them!
Ending the interview
At the end of the interview ask when a decision is expected to be made and how you will be informed. Be sure to thank the interviewer for their time and give them a final handshake before exiting. Also, acknowledge the secretary on your way out and say goodbye.
Follow-up with a Thank-you
After the interview send an email or a note to the interviewer thanking them for the opportunity. Take this time to reiterate your interest in the company.
Read more Job Interview Preparation Tips!