Your time in college is invaluable and it gives you an excellent opportunity to develop a range of skills that will benefit you in your career, and make you more employable!
Top 6 Skills Prized by Employers:
- Oral Communication – It is an essential skill in a workplace. While in college, take initiative to polish up on your oral communication skills by asking for feedback, joining an English class or a public speaking group! Learn how to Master Public Speaking Today.
- Written Communication – most communication in the workplace is written. It is therefore important to be able to write well and accurately relay information in a professional, respectful manner. Learn more about Email Etiquette and Professionalism.
- Time Management – Time management is essential in the workplace where there are several projects on the go, with different deliverables and due dates. Develop time management skills now and be prepared! Learn more about Workplace Time Management.
- Professionalism – The workplace is a professional environment and requires a set standard of behavior, attire and conduct. Learn more about Dress Codes in the Workplace.
- Drive and Initiative – Employers prize individuals who have tenacity, take initiative to problem solve, and have the drive to succeed. Learn how to Boost your Opportunity for Promotion.
- Computer Skills – A basic level of computer knowledge is expected by employers. You should take the initiative to learn more and master computer skills that will be needed in your career. Learn about the Top 4 Computer Skills to Master.