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  • Can I get Financial Aid?
  • How long is the Program?
  • Will I get Accepted?
  • When does it start?

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Create the perfect elevator pitch

An Elevator Pitch is the perfect tool to have in your arsenal during your job search!

An Elevator Pitch is a 30-second speech that includes:

  • Who you are
  • What you do
  • Why you are the best at what you do
  • Why you should be considered for employment

This might sound simple, but it takes practice to ensure you provide a great snapshot of yourself, make a great impression, and leave with a job lead or contact.

6 Steps to Develop an Elevator Pitch:

  1. Identify Goals – know your field and details of the type of job you are looking for.
  2. Write it – note everything you would like to portray during your pitch including, education, skills, experience, etc. Don’t be autobiographical, be specific. The goal is to peak their interest, and land you a meeting/interview!
  3. Format & Edit – your pitch should be revised and condensed a number of times. Test it out on your friends, family and co-workers and listen to their feedback.
  4. Tailor Variations – your pitch should be tailored to your audience. Create slight variations of your pitch to use in different situations (e.g.-meeting a CEO, Employee, or networking with Professionals).
  5. Practice – continue reciting your pitch until it comes to you naturally.
  6. Deliver it with enthusiasm and confidence!

Have you already mastered your Elevator Pitch? Update your ResumeCover Letter and References!

Don’t forget – Metro College Job Search Support Service is available to help you with your resume, interview skills and job search. Contact us today!